
HTML Editor Resource Bundle The HTML editor requires some properties which should be both available for the functionality of the editor and should be readily available for editing. This resource bundle is available at “syncope/ide/eclipse/bundles/org.apache.syncope.ide.eclipse.plugin/src/main/resources/” . Note: While writing tests for the plugin using swtbot, the editors were unable to initialize because for some reason the HTMLEditor was unable to access the resource bundle while automated testing, whereas while manually working with the plugin, the editors work perfectly fine.
Editors The editor displays the content of the mail and report templates, but to display all the available formats of a template, the editor needs to be a multi-page editor. This is done by the TemplateEditor class which extends the MultiPageEditorPart class to allow multiple text editors to be displayed in a single view. The input to these pages is provided by the TemplateEditorInput class which accepts the title, type and content of the template from the SyncopeView class.
The tree viewer was almost complete by the last post. The only thing required to be added was a reset button for re-fetching the keys to allow the user to refresh the list. Simple enough, I added the same functionality used after login. I wanted to list a few things that might be worth mentioning to anyone looking at the file. Details about There is an invisible root to ensure that the tree view consists of 2 visible roots, namely Mail Templates and Report Templates.
Progress Report The SYNCOPE-809 project is going as expected. There are new things that I now understand crystal clear (like maven) and there are things that I don’t yet understand very well (most of the source code of syncope). But here’s another update on the part of it that I have been assigned to build. What has been done since? The Tree Viewer was built, but I still had to interface with the syncope deployment to fetch and send data to a user defined url.
06 June / / DJ Collab
A meteor based web application which allows users to collaborate to modify the queue for a designated player device (playing audio files stored on server using HTML5). So, I heard somewhere that meteor was a great framework to build full-fledged JS applications with server and client code (I know it’s called full-stack). Unsurprisingly, I wanted to play with it and so, I came up with the idea for a centralized music playing system which can be remotely controlled.
Now, diving into the plugin development, the first step for the process was to create a tree view as suggested in the issues page of apache syncope. The aim of this view would be to allow the user to view the available mail and report templates so that he/she can interact with it and open it up in the editor. Here are the images of the suggested tree view and the one I built.
Google Summer of Code (GSOC) Apache Syncope An Open Source Identity Management System Ready for a new start? The community bonding period has ended and we have reached the most awaited Coding Period. Been waiting for this day since long and it is every bit as exciting as I imagined. Don’t yet know what I’m talking about? Well let me tell you! My proposal got accepted earlier and I am now a Google Summer of Code Student.
19 April / / Uncategorized
Since the time I started using Linux, I have faced many problems for the configuration of the system for various programs and applications. Mostly these configuration problems arise from the fact that my college (and campus hostel) allows me to connect to the internet only through an NTLM authenticated proxy. Most applications in windows don’t even support an authenticated proxy. To resolve this, I have been using cntlm which allows me to authenticate and decrypt outgoing and incoming requests on the go as long as I use it’s HTTP proxy.
Speech recognition and synthesis technology provides a natural interaction method for many computing tasks. It allows users to communicate with computers naturally using spoken language, requiring very little training. Although this technology has existed for several decades, it has recently become widely usable because of the increasing capabilities of consumer . Benefits of Speech Interaction (in general):  Improved interaction for people with disabilities. Hands-free interaction with virtual reality and augmented reality applications.
We have collected the data for the application area that we are working on and that is in the field of medical where we will get to know what medicine a person should take and what are its symptoms and in what quantity it should be taken. Such queries can arise in the mind of a patient so we have collected basic queries that a person can ask using our day-to-day language and in this we have taken about 150-200 queries that a person can put up.